Online Casino Games - Video Poker Games
Game Description
In this draw poker game, you are dealt 5 cards and have to choose which
ones to keep. Discard the rest and press 'Deal' to get new ones. If you
have a pair of Jacks or better, you win.
The more coins you bet, the more you win.
Hands are ranked using the pay table.
Cards are dealt from 1 deck.
Cards are re-shuffled for each hand.
You can discard up to 5 cards.
A pair of Jacks or higher
2 pairs
3 of a kind
Full House
4 of a kind
Straight Flush
Royal Flush
You win if you have at least a pair of Jacks.
Player Actions/Button Descriptions
Bet - Used to bet 1-5 coins after they have purchased credits by clicking on chips.
Bet One - Bets one coin each time it's pressed, up to a max of 5 coins.
Bet Max - Bets 5 coins and starts the deal.
Draw Deal - Deals the cards after a bet has been placed or after put on hold.
Hold - Used to keep the cards in hand.
Cash Out - A red button used to stop playing and cash out credits and winnings.
Payout - Payouts are based on the pay table.
Multi-Hand Video Poker (3 or more hands)
Each Video Poker game that consists of three or more hands can be played
for $0.01, $0.05, $0.25, $0.50, and $1. In addition, players can choose
from 3 hands, 10 hands, 52 hands or 100 hands. If you are playing a
game that consists of three or more hands, you can click on the 'Pay
Table' button to view the payout table and the proper column will be
highlighted based on the amount of coins played.
In each of the hands played by a player, the cards held by the player
appear. Cards are drawn randomly to fill the rest of the spots. Once a
card or cards have been discarded by the player, the card or cards
cannot appear in any of the subsequent hands.
You must have a $5 account balance to play multi-hand video poker.