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Aladdins Gold Casino

Game Description
A standard game of poker takes a group of players and hours to kill.
Caribbean Stud goes down like a day by the beach: a lot of fun, and a
lot of memories with no hassles.
When a quick game of one-on-one poker is what you're looking for there's
no better answer than going Caribbean. Like a big name tournament, a
huge jackpot could be yours if luck is on your side. Bodog's
Caribbean Stud Poker is tropical fun without the sunblock.
How to Play Caribbean Stud Poker
Choose your wager amount ranging from $1 (minimum), $5, $25, $100 and
$500 (maximum) then press "Deal." Both the player and the house receives
five cards, your cards are all face up while the dealer shows only one
card. Upon viewing your cards and the dealer�s one card, choose Raise if
you believe your five-card hand is better, which will double your ante.
If you do not believe your hand can beat the dealer click Fold and
forfeit your bet.
The Dealer must qualify with a hand that has an ace and a king or
better. If the Dealer does not qualify, you are paid 1 to 1 on your ante
and your raise is returned to you as a push. If your hand beats the
Dealer's and the Dealer qualifies, you're paid on the ante and your
raise. The payoff of the ante is 1 to 1. The payout on your bet will be
determined by the quality of your hand. If the Dealer beats your hand,
you lose your ante and your bet. If you and the Dealer have the same
hand, the next highest card decides who wins.
Keep in mind before you deal you can wager a dollar in the progressive
section. This gives you an opportunity at the entire progressive jackpot
if you earn a Royal Flush. If you do not pay the dollar and earn a
Royal Flush you�re paid 200:1 odds instead of the lucrative progressive
Card Values
Hands are ranked according to standard poker rules.
Hand Name Description Example Payout
Royal Flush A, K, Q, J, 10 of same suit AH, KH, QH, JH, 10H 200:1
Straight Flush 5 cards of same suit in sequence 7S, 6S, 5S, 4S, 3S 50:1
4 of a Kind 4 cards of same rank 6S, 6H, 6D, 6C 20:1
Full House 3 of a kind, plus a pair 2S, 2H, 2D, 3S, 3H 7:1
Flush 5 cards 5 cards of same suit 10D, 9D, 7D, 5D, 2D 5:1
Straight 5 cards in sequence, mixed suits 7D, 6S, 5H, 4C, 3H 4:1
3 of a Kind 3 cards of same rank 7S, 7D, 7C 3:1
Two Pair 2 pairs of different rank 6S, 6H, 4D, 4C 2:1
One Pair 1 pair (2 cards) of same rank KH, KD 1:1
High Card 5 cards of different ranks and suits AH, KS, 10D, 5C, 2S 1:1
Progressive Jackpot
The progressive jackpot is a side bet that allows the player to share in
a jackpot, regardless of the dealer qualifying or not. The payout
depends on the rank of the hand. To play for the progressive jackpot,
click on the Progressive coin slot on the right before clicking Deal.
The coin slot lights up when you place a progressive bet. To remove your
bet, click on the coin slot again.
For example, if you receive a flush but the dealer does not qualify, you
would only receive a 1 to 1 payout on your ante, not 5 to 1. If you
play the Progressive Jackpot, you would win $75 regardless of the size
of your bet, and regardless of whether the dealer qualified or not. If
the dealer did qualify and you had a better hand, you would win both
There are only five hands that qualify for the progressive jackpot:
Hand Rank Description
Royal Flush 100%
Straight Flush 10%
Four of a Kind $500
Full House $100
Flush $75